LILYGO T-Encoder Pro User Guide

LILYGO T-Encoder Pro User Guide

LILYGO T-Encoder Pro User Guide

Shenzhen Xin Yuan Electronic Technology T-Encoder pro User Manual



About This Guide

This document is intended to help users set up the basic software development environment for developing app using hardware based on the T-Encoder pro. Through a simple example, this document illustrates how to use Arduino, including the menu based configuration wizard, compiling the Arduino and firmware download to the ESP32-S3 module.


T-Encoder pro

T-Encoder pro is a development board. It can work independently.

It consists of ESP32-S3 MCU supporting Wi-Fi + BLE communication protocol and motherboard PCB. The screen is 2.04 inch AMOLED.

ESP32-S3 integrates Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz band) and Bluetooth 5.0 solutions on a single chip, along with dual high performance cores and many other versatile peripherals. Powered by 40 nm technology, ESP32-S3 provides a robust, highly integrated platform to meet the continuous demands for efficient power usage, compact design, security, high performance, and reliability.

Xinyuan provides the basic hardware and software resources that empowers application developers to build their ideas around the ESP32-S3 series hardware. The software development framework provided by Xinyuan is intended for rapidly developing Internet-of-Things (loT) applications, with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, flexible power management and other advanced system features.

The T-Encoder pro manufacturer is Xin Yuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.


A set of cross-platform applications written in Java. The Arduino Software IDE is derived from the Processing programming language and the integrated development environment of the Wiring program. Users can develop applications in Windows/Linux/ MacOS based on Arduino. It is recommended to use Windows 10. Windows OS has been used as an example in this document for illustration purposes.


To develop applications for ESP32-S3 you need:

  • PC loaded with either Windows, Linux or Mac operating system
  • Toolchain to build the Application for ESP32-S3
  • Arduino that essentially contains API for ESP32-S3 and scripts to operate the Toolchain
  • The ESP32-S3 board itself and a USB cable to connect it to the PC

Get Started

Download the Arduino Software

The quickest how to install the Arduino Software (IDE) on Windows machines

Quick Start Guide

The website provides a quick start tutorial

  • Windows:

  • Linux:

  • Mac OS X:

Installation steps for Windows platform Arduino

Enter the download interface, select Windows installer to install directly

Install the Arduino Software

Wait for installation


Download Git

Download the installation package Git.exe

Pre-build configuration

Click Arduino icon, then right click and select “Open folder where ™

Select hardware ->

Mouse ** Right click ** ->

Click Git Bash Here

Cloning a remote repository

$ mkdir espressif

$ cd espressif

$ git clone –recursive esp32

You are almost there. To be able to proceed further, connect ESP32-S3 board to PC, check under what serial port the board is visible and verify if serial communication works.

After connecting USB to power on. The screen can directly display the electronic label for 3 seconds.

Test Demo

Select File>>Example>>WiFi>>WiFiScan

Upload Sketch

Select Board

Tools -> Board -> ESP32S3 Dev Module


Sketch -> Upload

Serial Monitor

Tools ->Serial Monitor

SSC Command Reference

Here lists some common Wi-Fi commands for you to test the module.



op commands are used to set and query the Wi-Fi mode of the system.


op -Q

op -S -o wmode


Table 6-1. op Command Parameter

Parameter Description
-Q Query Wi-Fi mode.
-S Set Wi-Fi mode.
wmdoe There are 3 Wi-Fi modes:

  • mode = 1: STA mode
  • mode = 2: AP mode
  • mode = 3: STA+AP mode



sta commands are used to scan the STA network interface, connect or disconnect AP, and query the connecting status of STA network interface.


sta -S [-s ssid] [-b bssid] [-n channel] [-h]

sta -Q

sta -C [-s ssid] [-p password]

sta -D


Table 6-2. sta Command Parameter

Parameter Description
-S scan Scan Access Points.
-s ssid Scan or connect Access Points with the ssid.
-b bssid Scan the Access Points with the bssid.
-n channel Scan the channel.
-h Show scan results with hidden ssid Access Points.
-Q Show STA connect stutus.
-D Disconnected with current Access Points.



ap commands are used to set the parameter of AP network interface.


ap -S [-s ssid] [-p password] [-t encrypt] [-n channel] [-h] [-m max_sta]

ap —Q

ap —L


Table 6-3. ap Command Parameter

Parameter Description
-S Set AP mode.
-s ssid Set AP ssid.
-p password Set AP password.
-t encrypt Set AP encrypt mode.
-h Hide ssid.
-m max_sta Set AP max connections.
-Q Show AP parameters.
-L Show MAC Address and IP Address of the connected station.



mac commands are used to query the MAC address of the network interface.


mac -Q [-o mode]


Table 6-4. mac Command Parameter

Parameter Description
-Q Show MAC address.
-o mode
  • mode = 1: MAC address in STA mode.
  • mode = 2: MAC address in AP mode.



dhcp commands are used to enable or disable dhcp server/client.


dchp -S [-o0 mode]

dhcp -E [-0 mode]

dhcp -Q [-o mode]


Table 6-5. dhcp Command Parameter

Parameter Description
-S Start DHCP (Client/Server).
-E End DHCP (Client/Server).
-Q show DHCP status.
-o mode
  • mode = 1: DHCP client of STA interface.
  • mode = 2 : DHCP server of AP interface.
  • mode = 3: both.



ip command are used to set and query the IP address of the network interface.


ip -Q [-o mode]

ip -S [-i ip] [-o mode] [-m mask] [-g gateway]


Table 6-6. ip Command Parameter

Parameter Description
-Q Show IP address.
-o mode
  • mode = 1: IP address of interface STA.
  • mode = 2 : IP address of interface AP.
  • mode = 3: both
-S Set IP address.
-i ip IP address.
-m mask Subnet address mask.
-g gateway Default gateway.



reboot command is used to reboot the board.




ram command is used to query the size of the remaining heap in the system.


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